Fundraising Details

Go Team!

We are here to help you and your team. We will share how other teams made it happen and are happy to jump on the phone with you. Just get in touch with us!

  • If you meet your goal, you will be able to join one regularly scheduled trip during the three year project to see the impact they are having on the ground with their S4F. WARNING – this is life changing. It might be possible to have too much meaning in your life.
  • If there is a savings in the school you are sponsoring it will be reinvested in Vocies4Freedom projects that help people to freedom.
  • Within two months of funding your school you will receive a profile of the village where the S4F you are sponsoring will be located. You will learn about the challenges and conditions faced by the villagers and how many people you will be helping to freedom.
  • The school will be operating within four months of funding.
  • Within eight months you will receive your first quarterly report with real deal information, stories, and numbers that tell the story of freedom in action.
  • If you aren’t able to raise the full amount? Don’t worry, we’re all in this together. If after 6 months your team has not raised the full amount, we will simply link you with another team or teams so that you and the village coming to freedom can all celebrate the win together.
  • The entire village will be FREE and educated about their rights in three years. The children will be able to read and write. IMAGINE THAT! What a legacy. Doing the happy dance!

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