Villagers freed from slavery
Children educated
Vulnerable people empowered to avoid the slavery trap
Government programs accessed by the community
The Story of Kadumwa
Slavery wasn’t the only thing holding Kadumwa hostage; the village is surrounded by a river on 3 sides, a giant hill on the other, and is only accessible by boat which they didn’t have access to. The slave owner would bring people into Kadumwa to live so he could use them as slaves, which he found nothing wrong with. Many people were also trafficked out of Kadumwa to other states for work. The inaccessibility gave the slaveowner and traffickers full control of the villagers who had no idea life could be any other way.
When Schools4Freedom started in the villages the teacher used the only mode of transportation available to get to the village, they went down the river in tubes. Their dedication was unwavering and paid off; now Kadumwa is slavery-free.
Village Location:
Came to Freedom:
December 2017
L. Sutton, P. Callahan
The Path to Freedom

freedom shared
keeping watch


How Kadumwa crossed the river before having a boat.

“ I had been working with my parents because they had to work repaying the debt. I was taken out from work by Voices4Freedom. I studied in S4F school in my village and now I am in Government school.“
— Pawan

Community women receiving a Government scheme to promote self employment and and organization.
“ Truly said…I didn’t want to see Schools4Freedom School in my community because many outsiders came to our hamlet, but didn’t do anything for us. The landlord (slave-owner) was our GOD. When V4F team supported us to quit from debt bondage, only then we realized a new life. Now we had born again. My family and all in the hamlet now free."
— Kharullah

Sarita the Schools4Freedom teacher taking tube to get to school at the beginning.

Solar light being installed in Kadumwa.
village sponsors
Lloyd Sutton and Peggy Callahan
"Watching the adult villagers and their children morph from downtrodden face and attitudes, to smiles and self-assurance, is one of the most amazing things to see in the world. I highly recommend this program to anyone interesting in helping the world be a better place while helping themselves become a better person."
- Lloyd Sutton